October 10th, 2011 → 1:35 am @

“Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”


The humble lemon is so versatile and may be used for almost anything. In my book you might have read, that it can be used as a deodorant even.

The juice of a lemon, although being acidic, its reaction in the stomach is alkaline and therefore a good juice to take, rather than an orange juice, which remains acidic in the stomach. (book).

The dietary fibre in lemons is good and they are antioxidant and anti inflammatory.

Vitamins: C (H) and a little A, B1, B5, B6, and B9

Minerals: Iron, Copper, Calcium and Magnesium in small quantities.

It is just so nice to have a lemon tree in the garden, as they are changing all the time. First the flowers, which have a beautiful perfume that lasts for weeks, than the little fruits set and you watch them get larger, greener and eventually the yellow of the ripe fruit. As the fruits are on the tree, the flowers start the appear again and the cycle starts all over.

Remember to make and use fresh juice, not the stuff in the supermarkets.


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