November 10th, 2011 → 1:15 am @

“Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”


Oranges are probably the most well known fruits in the whole world. They are eaten as well juiced by the thousands of gallons everywhere. The orange juice is dried and sent overseas, for re-constitution into orange juice in super market products, such as orange drink (maybe 20% re-constituted orange juice).

The orange is an acid fruit and remains an acid in the digestion phase, therefore should be eating in small amounts. I mentioned lemons before, they are different. They can be eaten more freely, because of their alkaline reaction. See the acid-alkaline section in the book.

A tree ripened orange is a fine fruit and has a reasonable amount of vitamin C, but the ones we get from the supermarket, are picked green and have only one tenth of the value in vitamin C.

Vitamins: C (good), A, B1, B5, B9, B2, B6.

Minerals: Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium and a little of Iron, Manganese and zinc.


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