January 10th, 2012 → 1:20 am @ Shanti
“Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”
Broccoli, a common vegetable, has become a very well known vegetable to help general health, as it contains some very valuable vitamins, minerals and especially antioxidants. It is today even recommended by the medical profession, who generally do not mention diets as these studies are not taught at University in medicine. I have a lot of friends who are doctors, are they are sad, that they do not know more about diets, as people are often referred to doctors for advise on foods and combinations with drugs etc. Broccoli grows like a cabbage and gets a flower head, and that is what we eat. These days there are all sorts of coloured varieties and they taste good. The leaves, although very seldom eaten by the average person, are a good source of vitamin A. There is nothing wrong with eating broccoli leaves, if you like cabbage. They certainly would make a good ingredient in KimChi, a Korean ferment, similar to sourkraut and rich in Vit B12.
Vitamins: C K and A very high, B2, B3, B6, B5, B9, B1.
Minerals: All well presented.
Good supplies of dietary fibre and carbohydrate.
Make a change and use a coloured variety for a decorative meal.