May 10th, 2012 → 1:25 am @

Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”


The yam is a vegetable mainly grown in Africa, where is has been a staple food for the indigenous people for many years. Now the yam is grown in many tropical areas around the world and the yam comes in many varieties and colours. Even though some varieties look a bit like sweet potatoes, they are not related. The yam is generally larger and grows somewhat deeper in the ground. It took me 2 days to dig one out of the ground one day, as it was so deep and large. Apparently they can weigh up to nearly 60 kilos and measure as long as 2 metres in length. A feature of the yam is that they have a thicker skin, which is harder and tougher.

The yam is a good source of energy and dietary fibre. They are low on the G.I. scale so the energy is long lasting as well. Also good anti-oxidant properties.

Some Yam varieties from Africa, should not be eaten raw, as they contain a number of plant toxins and should be cooked, to destroy these. Other varieties are eaten raw, as the yamaimo variety in Japan. It is also grated to get the gel like milk, which is added to noodles. The mucilaginous tuber milk contains allantoin, which can be used to help the healing of external tumours, boils and abscesses.

Vitamins: C, B6, B1, B5, B9, A, B3, B2, some E and K.

Minerals: Copper, Manganese, Phosphorous, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc and a trace of Selenium.


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